What Your Lenders Need to Know

Thu, Aug 22 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Topic: Financing

HOSTED BY: Oklahoma SBDC If you want to learn more about financing your start-up or existing business through standard lending and SBA products, please take time to join OKSBDC as we welcome Whitney Randall, Commercial Lending Officer with Citizens Bank as she walks us through a detailed presentation about the lending process and what your lenders need to know about you as a client. There will be time allowed for a Q&A session after the presentation.

Speaker(s): Whitney Randall - Commercial Lending Officer, Citizens Bank of Edmond Ben Evans - Oklahoma SBDC Business Advisor


Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Language assistance services are available for limited English proficient individuals with appropriate advance notice. Please contact OKSBDC Training Manager Cindy Ruminer by email at cindy.ruminer@oksbdc.org or call 580-745-2877.

Fee: No Cost