SBA Lending - An Overview of the 7a and 504 Loan Programs

Thu, Feb 10 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Topic: Financing

This event is a collaboration between OKSBDC and our professional partners at AmeriState Bank. In this conversation we will provide an overview of the parameter of the SBA 7a and 504 loan programs. We will also answer some common questions by small business owners such as: "Why do business owners seek SBA financing?", What types of projects are SBA eligible?", "Can I qualify for an SBA loan?" The goal of this presentation is to help small business owners determine whether or not SBA lending is a good fit for your business. Following the presentation there will time for Q&A with featured speaker, Monty Chambers/Vice President - Government Guaranteed Lending/AmeriState Bank. Attendees will receive a copy of the presentation and handouts, helping them move forward with their SBA lending decisions.

Speaker(s): Monty Chambers, Vice President - Government Guaranteed Lending AmeriState Bank

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Language assistance services are available for limited English proficient individuals with appropriate advance notice. Please contact OKSBDC Training Manager Cindy Ruminer by email at or call 580-745-2877.

Fee: No Cost